Oh, how flattered my own impulses feel , when my poet is praised; for love is life,and mind is the life of life itself!
From the Westöstlicher Divan by Goethe- Nimmer will ich dich verlieren!(Suleika )by Hugo Wolf

“… and Inge Spinette gracefully captures the play of light..”
BBC Music Magazine
" …on retiendra le brilliant solo de piano par Inge Spinette."
Monde de la Musique

Duo Yin-Yang
Scheduled events
- Thursday 07 june 2018 - 21 hours
Name of the event - Name of the place - City
external link to the event - Monday 17 june 2018 - 20 hours
Name of the event - Name of the place - City
external link to the event - Wednsday 20 october 2018 - 20:30 hours
Name of the event - Name of the place - City
external link to the event